netFormulary NHS
North East and North Cumbria
ICS Formulary

Looking for Bupivacaine 01 fentanyl 2mcgml 50ml found 0 matches, a search for alternative matches has been performed and any results found are shown below.

Possible Matches... BNF Category
Bevacizumab  (Avastin®) - Formulary Bevacizumab 08.01.05
Biphasic Insulin Aspart  (NovoMix® 30) (Analogue) - Formulary Biphasic insulins
Biphasic Insulin Lispro  (Humalog® Mix 25 amd Mix 50) (Analogue) - Formulary Biphasic insulins
Bupivacaine Hydrochloride  - Formulary Bupivacaine 15.02